United Nations General Assembly Voting, 1946-2020

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Voting similarity index between ccode1 and ccode2 in a given session – computed using 3 category vote data (1 = “yes” or approval for an issue; 2 = abstain, 3 = “no” or disapproval for an issue.) - Abstention is counted as half-disagreement with a yes or no vote

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These are based on searches in descriptions. They have been subjected to a rudimentary visual check but they may not be 100% accurate

Countries with highest voting similarity
Countries with lowest voting similarity
Yearly voting records towards majority

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Position towards majority

Whether the vote was on an amendment


Whether the vote was on a paragraph rather than an entire resolution

Important vote

Vote identified as important by U.S. State Department report Voting Practices in the United Nations. NOTE: not available for all years!!!!!

Agreement among voters
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